Teachers College

Columbia University
New York, NY


Equity, Ethics, and Social Issues in Educational Technology
Online: Summer 2009 – present

  • Develop curriculum and syllabus to introduce students to research in the fields of equity, ethics, technology, and education
  • Create and evaluate student assignments to appropriately demonstrate ability of each student and their understanding of the coursework on the social and cultural impacts of digital technology
  • Guide students in identifying appropriate research topics as well as approaches to scholarship and research to ensure successful research projects
  • Manage online tools and discussion forums in Blackboard and Adobe Connect to facilitate student dialogue and collaboration
  • Facilitate students’ inquiries into their lived experiences to determine suitable avenues to apply and practice theories of justice, equity, ethics, and education

Equity, Ethics, and Social Issues in Educational Technology
Face-to-Face: Summer 2011, 2012

Same course as above, but in person.


Video as Art
Face-to-Face: Fall 2010

  • Developed curriculum and syllabus to introduce students to scholarship in the fields of video, aesthetics, communication, and education
  • Created prompts to set open-ended structures for students’ practical explorations of theoretical concepts
  • Evaluated student assignments to assess each student’s ability and understanding of coursework
  • Guided students in use and approaches to digital tools to ensure successful video projects, connecting technical skills to critical analysis of media and digital technologies
  • Conferenced with students and facilitated dialogue between students to elicit critiques and reflections
  • Managed digital tools to promote student dialogue and collaboration


Technologies and Literacies
Spring 2011, 2012

  • Set up and managed the course’s online hub in Moodle to compliment and extend students’ face-to-face activity
  • Directly facilitated student collaboration and discussion, face-to-face and online
  • Monitored and evaluated student blogs for the course to assess each student’s understanding of coursework
  • Implemented digital tools to achieve professor’s pedagogical goals
  • Provided professional development to professor to improve her facility with online learning tools
  • Managed and led museum visits to elicit students’ application of theoretical concepts

Readings in Communication Theory and Social Thought
2008/2009, 2009/2010

  • Managed and arranged study groups to help students discuss and understand weekly readings
  • Ran course wiki to supplement understanding of course materials
  • Developed and assignments to assess students ability to analyze and engage with media in a variety of contexts
  • Managed group discussion to assess the social and cultural impacts of communications technologies